Human Power-Homelessness

news Jan 24, 2021
Human Power-Homelessness

Being More Human was from day one, designed to help support, inspire and encourage Humans.  Many times those humans don’t have the financial backing or the resources needed to access help.

This blog is about the joint venture between Being More Human and UQ Power (Heidi Pollard) that does the above.  From the start we have supported what each other has done, now we have taken it to the next level in a collaborative initiative called Human Power.

The forum is one of eight that Human Power aims to hold to help gather the relevant people together to hold a conversation and work collaboratively to address the United Nation’s Global Goals relevant to the Hunter community.

Human Power is creating a whole-of-community solution to homelessness in the Hunter.  A new Hunter based project is asking the right people in the Hunter Region the right questions to put an end to homelessness.  Human Power has put homelessness back on the agenda by asking a very leading question of the homeless of Newcastle and the supporting services in the area:

“If we bought all the right people together in one space in Newcastle to discuss homelessness, what would you dream the best possible outcome to be?”

Human Power aims to harness the power of people to make a difference in the lives of the homeless across Australia by bringing everyone together under one roof at The Lock Up on the 21st of September 2016.

Politicians, local community services and not-for-profits, business leaders, government bodies, members of the NSW Police and many of the 400 people in Newcastle who face homelessness every night will be invited to The Lock Up to collaborate and tackle this complex issue on the evening.

Drawing on the diverse expertise and actual experiences and stories of the Hunter Region, Human Power is facilitating a long needed conversation to create a positive and whole-of-community approach to putting an end to homelessness and supporting people in need.  Many of our community of readers are also involved in this project.

For more information on the Human Power event taking place on the 21st of September 2016 at The-Lock and to be part of the conversation, visit

This is just one example of some super exciting initiatives that we are involved in around the Hunter.  As always, please contact us on 0432 265335 for further conversation or questions about how you might be involved on the night.

Take Care, till next time.
