Inclusion. A no brainer for business
Jan 24, 2021
I love how life works. This morning I was sitting in a meeting with a range of different people discussing all thing related to employment of people with disabilities. A stimulating, energetic and action focused conversation got me thinking of something more.
What if all the groups of people who find employment challenging, those with disabilities, aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, women, people re-entering the workforce, people who have a mental health diagnosis, over 50’s, those just made redundant, refugees, graduates, LBGTI , different religious backgrounds, women who have escaped DV, etc could actually join voices to advocate, to speak and be heard, to create positive employment alternatives. They would then be in the majority!
If you think about the above groups of people and ask yourself if you fall into that category and answer honestly, is there actually anyone else left? Whoever was left, then they would become the minority group and the employment tables would turn.
It’s interesting how people focus on disability rather than ability. After all, business needs a massive diversity of humans to be able to understand the range of customers it has, the range of employees, and to come up with hands down the best ideas. Indeed, it is only diversity that provides that to business. If we are made up of 100% middle class, one gender, one town kind of people, that is by definition a massive business risk.
I run a business and I am certainly proactively asking myself how I can include diversity in my world. It is partly for that reason that we get involved with the disability sector, homelessness, people who have escaped DV and refugees.
Because although they are diverse individuals from incredible backgrounds, at the heart of it all, they are all human. I know from a personal point of view I would not want to be excluded from being an active participant in society because of my differences (there are PLENTY).
To Be More Human means to actively seek out individuals who want to and can and are excited about contributing to your business and to society in general. Be creative – there are so many ways to do this and so many reasons to do it. Do your research, the numbers stack up, it is a clever business decision.
Maybe your next job ad should read: “Wanted – People who are human, who have exactly the skills we need to be part of an inspiring team and a leading edge purpose-focused business.”
Just see how many applicants you get then! There is not a shortage of anyone if you take off the blinkers and look more broadly at your options.
In our efforts to Be More Human we are running a conference this year in Newcastle on Diversity and Inclusion. While I am in this café, I sent a LinkedIn message to Kurt Fearnley to ask him to be our keynote speaker. Five minutes later, I look up and he is sitting right beside me, at the next table. Love it when synchronicities like that occur!
More info about the conference is on it’s way, but mark Friday 2nd June in your calendars now